Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Map showing virac's local surf spots

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Map showing viracs 5 local surf spots.1 Virac harbour,stormy days will set up a funleft hander inside virac harbour,bust out some great moves.2Moning another left hander works on high tide.3Lucky point can only be reached by renting out a local boat,its a right hander which picks up all available swell.Worth the effort.4 Point B its a excellent right hander not for beginners,watch for exposed rocks.5 Majestics where do we start.To be surfed you need a least 2 to 3 foot swell with offshore winds.This reef is dangerously shallow.This is one of the hollowest and fastest right hand barrels around,remember it only works on mid to high tide.Catanduanes does hid more spots,go explore.You can always contact us on your next surf trip in catanduanes


Blogger pingdeleon said...

mis ko na ang virac.

ang pinaka magayon na isla sa pilipinas.

isla ning mga magagayon na tao sa mundo.

9:51 AM  

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